Monday, 24 November 2014

Sparklines in Excel (tiny chart / micro chart)

Data visualization in Excel 2010 is very easy and impressive. You can show trend in a single cell by using sparklines option. Unlike chart in excel, Sparkline is not an object its a tiny chart or micro chart in background of cell. A sparkline can display a trend based on adjacent data in a clear and compact graphical representation.

What is Sparkline? 

Sparkline is micro chart or tiny chart (cell sized chart) aligned with rows of tabular data. Simple way to show trend information.

How to use?
Select cell where you want to add sparkline go to INSERTSparklines – (select any one option out of 3  - line, column and Win/Loss)
Then range window will appear select data range and click Ok. That’s it.
There are three type of sparkline option given.
1. Line
2. Column
3. Win/Loss

let's see an example..

 In above example I have shown how to add line and column sparklines, you can use win/loss option to show win / loss by selecting low Point or High point option from Sparkline design tab.


- To delete or to remove sparklines use clear all option from Home > Editing  > Clear  > Clear All.
- Even if you have Excel 2010 make sure you are not using "Compatibility Mode" it will disable sparklines option.

- Excel Versions: sparklines added in Excel 2010 and versions after it. if you open sparklines file in excel 2007 or in lower version, sparklines will not appear.

- You can write words in cell and show sparkline in the same as sparklines shown in background. 

- To copy Sparkline in other documents use copy and 'paste as picture' option.

Please use comment section to provide your feedback or to ask question. 

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Advance Filter in Excel

Data filter is best way to get and work with subset of data. In Excel there are two types of filters one is Auto filter which you can simply apply by using shortcut key “Ctrl+Shift+L”, and another one is Advance filter.

Filter will temporarily hide rows which not matching filter criteria and display only subset which you required.

Auto filter: for simple criteria (e.g. column containing particular value or number)
Advance filter: Complex criteria (Let’s look at one example how advance filter works.)

Step 1 : Add some rows above your data.
Step 2 : Copy table headers and paste in top row.
Step 3 : Writer your criteria, make sure you have at least one blank row between criteria and your data.
Step 4 : Click on Data --> Advance filter.
Step 5 : Add table and criteria range in the advance filter window.
Step 6 : Click ok to see final outcome.

Hope above example help you understand advance filter for practice you can download a file as below.

for download this file for practice click on excel symbol.

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